
Jane Keogh Personal Development Coaching

Contact: Jane Keogh

Your personal development and growth are key to you achieving everything you want in your life. You are the single biggest factor for your own personal happiness.

Emotions are perceived to be a weakness but in actual fact the opposite is true. Understanding and dealing with unhelpful emotions is a strength. Suppressing unhelpful 'stuff' is incredibly harmful to your health.

Do you suffer from lack of confidence?

Self belief? Anxiety? Frustration? Anger?

Do you suffer from insomnia?

Do you overthink?

Do you feel stuck?

Are you unhappy but can't put your finger on why?

Are you getting the results you want personally and professionally?

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Are you stressed?

Anxiety, frustration, fear of conflict, worry, and insecurity are all stress factors that undermine motivation, feed insecurities, reduce effectiveness and stunt business potential. The good news is that you don’t have to continue to feel this way.

The solution to these challenges is simple, effective and time efficient and I can show you how.

As well as ridding you of the above symptoms, other benefits include:

  • More confidence
  • Improved motivation and results
  • Changed mindset/attitude, thinking and behaviour
  • Relief from emotional pain

I run workshops for businesses on wellbeing, behaviour and communication.


"Jane literally helped bring me back to life! After just going through the hardest 18 months of my life that has turned my life upside down. I honestly don’t know how I’d have got through it without her. Not only has she helped me through it all but she has given me the tools to help myself going forward aswell. I can not recommend Jane enough." Anna K - January 2022


Contact: Jane Keogh
icon-contact-dark-phone 07813 847205

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